Combine a deadly jump shot, tenacious defense, obsessive perfectionism, unabashed confidence, and an uncompromising will to win, and you’ve got Jerry West, one of the greatest guards in NBA history. During his 14-year playing career with the Los Angeles Lakers…
Jerry West's Lifelong Pursuit For Love And Respect
He is 83, the oldest guy in most rooms he enters these days and most definitely the coolest. He still has his hair, his LA looks, his aura and his way of making and leaving a lasting impression on those he meets for the first time or the umpteenth.
Jerry West Encourages Students To Shoot For Their Dreams
It’s Game 3 of the 1970 NBA Finals. The Los Angeles Lakers need to make a shot to tie the score with the New York Knicks — there’s one second on the clock. Jerry West shoots the ball from 60 feet, and the crowd erupts in cheers as the ball passes easily through the net…
Jerry West is a man with many nicknames. He’s been called “Mr. Clutch.” As the clock ticked down, he was the go-to man who didn’t buckle under pressure. In fact, he thrived on it. He’s been called “Mr. Outside”—he had a quick-release jump shot that was unstoppable…
Jerry West Reveals Lifelong Battle with Depression
“Your father is too busy being a genius,” Orson Welles’s wife would stolidly tell her children, when the family was faced with another night without the famous cineaste’s presence…